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MAC validates continuation of UK’s Graduate Route

Despite initial expectations, the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) has proposed keeping the UK’s graduate route unchanged. This decision is a significant win for the international education sector in the UK and assures those involved with international students regarding their choice of study destination abroad.

The government must now address the findings, with the MAC report leaving no doubt about the effectiveness of the graduate route in fulfilling its intended purpose.

The MAC report has underscored the recent alteration to the rule prohibiting student dependents, implemented in January 2024, as significantly limiting. This change has already shown a detrimental effect on student interest. Moreover, the subsequent adjustments to salary thresholds for skilled worker pathways accessible after the two-year graduate route are expected to decrease demand further, posing a severe challenge.

Vivienne Stern, chief executive of Universities UK, emphasized the significance and positivity of the MAC's recommendation to maintain the Graduate route on its current terms. In a statement, she expressed:

"The uncertainty stemming from the decision to review the visa has been detrimental. We anticipate and trust that the government will heed the advice and unequivocally ensure that the graduate visa remains unchanged.

"While we acknowledge the political pressures regarding migration, it's evident from the report that recent alterations aimed at preventing postgraduate taught students from bringing dependents have already had a substantial impact," Stern added.

The report suggests that if the government intends to impose significant restrictions on the route, it should only do so after observing the full consequences of the changes to the dependents' rules on the student and graduate routes. Additionally, it should address the current higher education funding model, which heavily relies on international student fees.

In simpler terms, the report asserts that the Graduate route was implemented to improve the attractiveness of international students studying in the UK. It states, "The Graduate route has effectively met, and continues to meet, the government's objectives."

The review draws attention to the financial vulnerability of many universities and their heavy reliance on revenue from international students. It warns that any restrictions could potentially destabilize these institutions, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

The MAC criticized the government for asserting in its commissioning letter that a majority of international students were transitioning into the skilled worker route for care work, stating, "We have examined the data cited in support of these claims and found no evidence of Graduate visa holders switching into work routes. Therefore, the statement made in the commissioning letter regarding the employment destinations of Graduate visa holders is inaccurate."

While the committee did not identify "significant abuse" of the graduate route, it expressed concern about the "excessive use of recruitment agents by universities in certain markets, which provide misleading information to potential international students."

The committee acknowledged the existence of the sector's independent Agent Quality Framework, with nearly 16,000 agents from 126 countries enrolled, but proposed replacing it with a mandatory government registration system for international agents and subagents.

The review acknowledges the potential of international graduates as an untapped workforce. It encourages increased cooperation between the government and the higher education sector to align with the government's labour market objectives for the route.

A significant student recruitment firm, SI-UK, welcomed this development. CEO Rob Grimshaw stated, "There is a fierce global competition for talent, and the UK is fortunate that ambitious students worldwide consider it a study destination each year. If they choose the UK, the country benefits greatly from their skills and long-term soft power effects. As one of the largest providers in the sector, SI has always emphasized the importance of quality. We fully support the objectives of the AQF framework."

Lil Bremermann-Richard, CEO of Oxford International Education Group, conveyed to The PIE:

"The conclusion of the MAC Review is clear: the graduate route is effective, shows no signs of intentional misuse, and should be retained in its current state. Despite international students being often used for political discourse, it is gratifying to see the MAC acknowledge the tangible and significant economic and social contributions they make to the UK."

Stuart Smith, CEO of NCUK, remarked that the politicization of the Graduate Route initially was "unproductive for everyone involved."

"NCUK stands fully behind the independent recommendation of the Migration Advisory Committee to maintain the Graduate Route as is. We urge the Government to promptly accept this recommendation," he emphasized.

Source: The PIE News

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